private investors
We seek to be the property investment advisors of reference for entrepreneurs and their families – not just today, but over the long term, generation after generation. Our ability to re-evaluate a changing world enables us to build stability, while our knowledge in local markets and deep rooted connections allows us to be facilitators of opportunity.
local insight.
We are invested in our reputation as the land and investment specialists for those looking to expand their wealth into the region. We support growth locally for the educated investor, business owner and their families – not just in the short term, but for generations to come. Our connectivity with some of the harder-to-reach local land owners means we can facilitate industry-leading opportunities.

investment planning.
Our investment planning philosophy is to safeguard our client’s investment – ensuring that every maneuverer is done with precision and conducted with the upmost professionalism. The ability to create an investment roadmap, adding the value of our international experience whilst identifying the right opportunities for you. For us, our passion is to connect our clients with just the right people, at just the right time.
financial logistics.
With a support network spanning 4 countries, we are able to navigate the legal landscape of diversifying your investments into Thailand and the region. With offices in Hong Kong and mainland China we are able to facilitate investments into Thailand, supported by our network of legal and financial experts in the country.

advisory services.
Siam Land Trading not only offers investment advisory services, but can help connect investors, buyers and private developers with a network of service providers that can turn an investment – into a revenue generating asset. We strongly believe in producing assets rather than selling liabilities.
land sourcing.
Allow us to be the local expert, finding land and developments that tick all of the boxes for you – our portfolio of land investment opportunities includes secluded mountain peaks, beach front land and areas surrounded by high-potential commercial opportunities. Simply join us for a private consultation, so we can clearly identify your goals and match the right land for you.

our offices.
From an international heritage, our hearts lie in Asia. We spend the majority of our time between two major hubs, Thailand and Hong Kong. Our expansion across borders has allowed a level of professional flexibility with our clients, but our most important value is that of discretion. We can offer private consultations in our local office – and even offer the option to have a confidential call to identify your opportunities.